UPDATE! – Big Tasty Update Coming For 2023!

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So …… I’ve been very quiet over the last six months or so for many reasons. Lets just say that life sometimes gets in the way…… but hopefully from now on I will have more time to post on the website.

It’s safe to say that 2022 was an amazing year here for the leopard geckos, with so many advancements in virtually all my projects, it has made life really difficult for me when choosing which geckos and projects I want to keep and focus on over the coming seasons.

It would be very tempting to keep all the projects believe me…… but there are only so many hours in the day, so I’ve had to try and narrow down what will be staying here. It’s been a long and arduous journey, but thankfully I have made most of those decisions now, which means there will be quite a few high quality geckos being made available over the coming weeks/months.

I will be letting go of some projects completely, so there will be an opportunity for someone to take them on fully or partially and make them their own. There will also be some of my best adult proven breeders being released along with many quality animals from 2022 including quite a few holdback releases. I will be listing at least five animals on the website most evenings across the next few months so it’ll be worth checking in on the website regularly to see what’s new.

I’m also hoping to have time to update the projects page with some new exciting projects I have going on here as well as showing the progressions of my existing projects. There are some incredible geckos to take pics of and I’m excited to show them off at last………so be sure to keep checking in on the website for all the latest updates of what’s going on here😁👍🏻
